πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»We Help You Build Custom AI Powered

πŸ’¬ We Empower Businesses with AI Chatbots Seamlessly Integrated into WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Websites and more*.

πŸ“ˆ As the AI industry is set to soar to $1.81 trillion by 2030, it's essential for your business to stay ahead.

πŸ” MIT Sloan Management reports that 9 in 10 businesses believe AI will give them an edge over their rivals.

πŸ‘‰ Enhance customer service, generate leads, and propel growth with our tailored solutions.

*Custom chatbots and AI solutions can be integrated with Airtable, Asana, Basecamp, Facebook Messenger, Github, Gmail, Hootsuite, Hubspot, Instagram, Intercom, Jira, LINE, Linear, Mailchimp, Microsoft Teams, Notion, Salesforce, Shopify, Slack, Stripe, Sunshine, Telegram, Trello, Twilio, Viber, Vonage, WhatsApp, Zapier, Zendesk, Zoom.

πŸ₯Ό Patient AI Stimulator

Addressing the challenge of limited opportunities for hands-on experience, our Patient Role Play App offers a novel solution for medical students to develop their communication and history-taking abilities. This application employs AI-driven virtual patients in realistic scenarios, creating an immersive, interactive platform where students can practice their empathetic conversation skills. By simulating genuine patient interactions, we eliminate the dependence on the availability of real patients for practice, thus enhancing accessibility and convenience. This innovative tool ensures that every medical student can refine their skills anytime, anywhere, driving a significant advancement in medical education.

10x Your Customer Engagement With AI + YOUR Business Data

What If ChatGPT Knew ALL Your Business Content? Here at Tabmed, we build and handle the entire Customer Engagement AI Platform on Whatsapp/Instagram/your website etc* for your business to grow Customer Engagement, Employee Efficiency and Revenue with your own business data + ChatGPT.


Custom ChatGPT Built For You

We will incorporate all of your business content and data into your AI chatbot, hence tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring seamless integration with your existing workflows and systems, and providing an enhanced customer experience.


Power Up Your Business Data

Our AI chatbots leverage your existing business data to provide personalized and contextually relevant interactions, unlocking the full potential of your data and enhancing the overall customer experience.


Positive ROI for Your Business

Chat-GPT Driven chatbots can deliver up to a 30% reduction in customer support costs, while increasing customer retention by 25% and driving new sales. This cost-effective solution contributes to your business's long-term success by generating an impressive return on investment.


Multichannel Integration

We will seamlessly incorporate your AI chatbots into WhatsApp/Facebook Messenger or your website, providing a consistent and unified customer experience across multiple touchpoints.

πŸ› οΈ

Seamless API Integrations

We will help you integrate effortlessly with various APIs, enabling a wide range of functionalities such as event registration, feedback gathering, payment processing, and subscription management. This streamlined approach creates a convenient and efficient customer experience, further enhancing your business offerings.


Drive Revenue Growth with Tangible Results

By efficiently handling customer inquiries, guiding users through the sales funnel, and providing personalized product and service recommendations, your ChatGPT-driven chatbot can contribute to a 20% increase in sales and revenue, directly impacting your bottom line and business growth.

Discover the Power of ChatGPT: Revolutionizing Business Communication

ChatGPT is transforming the way businesses communicate and interact with their customers. By understanding and generating human-like responses, ChatGPT-powered chatbots create engaging and dynamic conversations, delivering exceptional customer experiences across multiple platforms. With its ability to handle complex tasks and respond to a vast array of inquiries, ChatGPT is becoming an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to optimize their customer support and outreach efforts.

By incorporating ChatGPT-driven chatbots into WhatsApp or your website, your business can benefit from:

  • 🌐 Round-the-clock customer service: ChatGPT-driven chatbots provide 24/7 support, ensuring customers receive assistance whenever they need it.
  • ⚑ Faster response times: AI chatbots can handle multiple customer queries simultaneously, resulting in quicker and more efficient customer support and lead generation.
  • 🎯 Improved customer satisfaction: ChatGPT-powered chatbots deliver accurate, timely, and helpful responses, leading to happier customers.
  • πŸš€ Enhanced team productivity: By offloading repetitive tasks to chatbots, your team can concentrate on tasks that drive growth and revenue.
  • πŸ“ˆ The Rise of WhatsApp-Led Growth: With over 2 billion active users worldwide, integrating a ChatGPT-driven chatbot into WhatsApp allows businesses to tap into this vast user base, making your services more accessible and driving growth.

We are your strategic partner in harnessing the full potential of ChatGPT for your business. Our expertise in seamlessly integrating AI chatbots into WhatsApp and web platforms ensures that you stay ahead of the competition and unlock new opportunities for success. Don't miss out on the AI revolution.

AI Fine-Tuning & Training: Tailored Solutions for Your Business

We specialize in fine-tuning and training ChatGPT-driven chatbots to align seamlessly with your business data, objectives, industry, and target audience. Our customized solutions ensure that your AI chatbot not only understands your customers' needs but also communicates in a way that reflects your brand's voice and values.

  • β€πŸŽ― Personalized service recommendations: Offer tailored suggestions based on a customer's preferences or requirements, utilizing custom data on available services.
  • πŸ“ Location-specific information: Provide accurate and up-to-date details on store hours, parking facilities, and contact information for different branches.
  • πŸ’² Custom pricing inquiries: Respond to inquiries about fees, discounts, and promotions specific to certain products, services, or customer groups.
  • πŸ›οΈ Product availability: Inform customers about the availability and stock levels of specific products at different locations.
  • πŸ“… Event information: Share details about upcoming events, workshops, or webinars tailored to customers' interests or location.
  • ⏰ Appointment availability: Provide real-time updates on available appointment slots and scheduling options based on custom data.
  • πŸ”§ Tailored support: Offer specialized guidance on the usage or maintenance of products and services based on customers' specific needs or purchase history.
  • πŸ’Œ Personalized marketing: Use custom data to send targeted promotions or news to customers based on their preferences or previous interactions.

Why Choose Us as Your ChatGPT Agency

Tabmed, a leader in emerging technology, has developed innovative AI chatbots like Kelly, Jason, and Kenneth to educate the Hong Kong population on sexual, physical, and mental health. We're eager to collaborate with your business to boost growth by integrating AI-powered chatbots into WhatsApp, FaceBook Messenger or your website for exceptional customer service and lead generation.

Fundamentally at our core, we recognize the importance of outstanding customer experience for your business's success. Our bespoke ChatGPT solutions are tailored to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that our chatbots deliver valuable information and support while remaining engaging and accessible.

Reach out to us to explore how ChatGPT can elevate your business and fulfill your unique goals. Our team is devoted to crafting a captivating and engaging brand experience for your customers.

Tabmed Helps You Integrate AI for Seamless Business Growth

At our core, we help businesses boost customer engagement, streamline operations, and expanding global reach by leveraging cutting-edge AI technology such as GPT3.5/GPT4, Dall-E 2, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, Perplexity, Anthropic, Whisper API etc. Businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.

🌐 Available 24/7

Experience uninterrupted customer support with ChatGPT, as it operates around the clock.

This ensures your customers receive assistance any time they need it, without requiring constant human intervention.

πŸ’¬ Enhanced Customer Engagement

AI chatbots generate more conversations, leading to higher customer engagement.

With millennials increasingly preferring chatbots for order updates and inquiries, incorporating ChatGPT into your business boosts customer satisfaction.

🎯 Effective Multitasking

Chatbots excel in multitasking, handling multiple customers simultaneously while providing consistent service quality.

This efficiency allows your business to cater to more customers and streamline operations.

😊 Consistent Customer Experience

ChatGPT's lack of emotion ensures consistent and professional customer interactions, free from mood swings or emotional reactions.

This stability contributes to a positive customer experience, which is crucial for retaining clients.

πŸ“Š Data-Driven Insights

Leverage Tabmed's expertise in ChatGPT integration to gather valuable data on customer preferences and behavior.

This data-driven approach helps you understand your audience better, enabling informed decision-making and targeted marketing efforts.

🌍 Multilingual Support

Expand your business's global reach with ChatGPT's multilingual capabilities.

For example, your WhatsApp customer service or lead generator AI can communicate with customers in English, Cantonese, Mandarin & spoken Cantonese slang.

Experts Weigh in On the Conversation

Why AI-powered WhatsApp is the future of lead generation and growth for customer support and engagement.

Antony Chacko

Founder at Alpha Marketer

I'm sure it's a matter of few days before website chatbots and WhatsApp chatbots will be using generative AI systems like ChatGPT trained on business-specific FAQ and Knowledge Base to provide human-like customer support 24/7.

Jeff Sauer

Digital Marketing Speaker, Professor & GA Consultant

The intersection between WhatsApp Automation & AI creates an awesome opportunity for affordable, scalable lead generation that was previously unavailable. The more I play around with AI chatbots, the better I realize that it’s how and what we train them that gets results.

Tabmed Empowers Your Oraganisation with AI Automations & Solutions

Tabmed is not just an AI automation agency; we are your strategic partner in harnessing the power of cutting-edge AI technologies to drive business growth and efficiency through chatbots and automation.

  • Advanced Chatbot Flows with Botpress & Stack AI

    Our expertise in Botpress enables us to build customized AI-enabled chatbots for advanced use cases that can handle intricate algorithmic flows, providing dynamic responses based on user inputs, intent, address, and other contextual variables. Whether it's a multi-step booking process or a complex troubleshooting guide, our chatbots can guide users with precision. These chatbots can be deployed across every platform such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Slack, Telegram, Websites etc.

  • Cross-platform deployment with Botpress: We understand that your customers are spread across different digital platforms. Therefore, chatbots can be seamlessly deployed on various channels such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Slack, Telegram, and websites. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, integrating a ChatGPT-driven chatbot into WhatsApp allows businesses to tap into this vast user base, making your services more accessible and driving growth.

  • Amidst the influx of millions of new AI tools each week, we'll help you navigate the landscape and discern the solutions best suited to optimize your business workflows for increased productivity and efficiency. Our services include feasibility assessments to determine the viability of AI integration in your operations, use case identification to pinpoint areas ripe for AI application, performance evaluation to ensure your AI solutions are delivering the desired results, and strategy development to formulate a long-term vision for AI in your business.

  • We leverage the power of Zapier to automate repetitive tasks across various applications. By creating automated workflows, we enable your team to focus on strategic operations, reducing manual effort and improving efficiency. For instance, we can set up a workflow where an email from a customer can automatically create a ticket in your CRM, assign it to a team member, and send a personalized response to the customer - all without any manual intervention.

  • Elevate your customer experience with our custom chatbots powered by Langchain, vector embeddings, and large language models. With these advanced technologies at our fingertips, we craft AI chatbots meticulously tailored to your business needs. These chatbots deliver instant, personalized responses, adeptly handling a multitude of use cases. Whether you need a virtual assistant to answer customer inquiries, an intelligent bot to guide users through your services, or a savvy chatbot to drive engagement, our custom solutions are designed to enhance your interactions and enrich your business outcomes.

  • Transcend the ordinary with our comprehensive front-end web development services. At Tabmed, we believe in crafting digital experiences that are not only visually stunning but also functionally robust. Leveraging the latest technologies and design trends, we build websites that are intuitive, engaging, and tailored to your specific business needs. Our dedicated team of experts ensures seamless navigation, fast load times, and mobile responsiveness, offering an unmatched user experience that keeps your audience coming back for more. Let us turn your vision into a captivating reality that enhances your digital presence and propels your business forward.

πŸ“° We Believe AI & Telemedicine is the Future of Healthcare


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